SIDLAB Suite is a combination of software and hardware solutions for the analysis and measurement of sound generation and propagation inside duct networks. This can be applied to Intake and Exhaust systems, Power generation, Oil & Gas pipe networks and HVAC systems. It offers a complete characterization of the system, including both simulation and validation measurements. SIDLAB Acoustics and SIDLAB Flow design the system to have a good acoustic performance keeping the pressure drop low enough. The results are then validated using SIDLAB Measurement or SIDLAB Acquisition in the SIDLAB Rig.
SIDLAB Optimization and Parameterization tools offer larger possibilities for an efficient design. SIDLAB calculations are done in MATFFLAB, and the source code is offered. This is a good advantage for advanced users to perform their custom analyses. Calculation time is typically a few seconds on a normal PC. Post-processing within SIDLAB is simple and FFstraightforward, with the possibility to save the results in different formats. SIDLAB compiles a long experience and know-how of accurate modeling for all types of duct acoustic applications in research, teaching and consulting.
The following modules are available and priced separately:
This module models the generation and propagation of low frequency sound in complex duct networks.
This module is an add-on SIDLAB Acoustics. This is a very quick 1D tool to calculate the pressure drop introduced by the designed muffler system.
SIDLAB Acquisition is used to acquire the measurement data needed to characterize the passive acoustic properties (e.g. Transmission Loss) of two-port elements (e.g. exhaust or intake mufflers).
This new module models the propagation of sound inside ducts in the high frequency range using power method.
Mufflers are widely used to reduce the exhaust and intake noise of fluid machines for different applications. Every muffler has to be tailored carefully to the engine to which it is connected.
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