• Traffic and infrastructure such as highways, sea ports, airports, railways.
• Construction works such as raising of new buildings, road and tunnel construction.
• Industrial noise from factories, chimneys, power stations, mining and wind power turbines.
• Recreational activity including race tracks, concerts and festivals, bars and pubs.
• Consultants / renting services for noise monitoring
FEATURES • See your noise data online via the web
• Listen to recorded events!
• Use wireless technology to send data to the main server
• Get notified by email or SMS when set thresholds are reached!
The EM2010 is a reliable and cost effective solution. It saves time and man-power on measurement data and analysis due to flexible, automated onlin reporting.
It starts automatically with measurements and sending data as soon it has been powered up (any country in the world).
With the battery pack it is autonomous for 10 days.
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